Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Southern Spring Blooms

Every spring I’ve wanted to capture these beautiful blooms and just wasn’t organized and fast enough to snap them before they disappeared.  This year I kept my camera in the car and just went for it… {even if I was standing on the side of the road in my sweaty spandex gym clothes} and I am so glad I did! I have a new found appreciation for each of these little blooms that are beautiful individually and all together.

Dogwood Tree’s

Dogwood 001Dogwood 002Dogwood 003

Forsythias Bushes

Forsythias 001Forsythias 003Forsythias 002

Lilac Bushes {More Like Wild Tree’s}

lilacs 004 copy

lilacs 001 copylilacs 002 copy

lilacs 003 copy

Cherry Tree in my front yard

Spring 2012 001 copy

My neighbors just planted this tree in their side yard which I can see from my office window. Not sure what it is but it has these beautiful purple blooms…I’m going to try to remember to ask them.

Spring 2012 002 copy

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